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Sunday, May 24, 2009

At school (NOW)

I am at school now. computer lab2. HEHE
So bored! Mr Choa suddenly on some loud music.
we damm shocked.
OMG! Charis suddenly fell from the chair. HAHA.
I so mean.
Now rasydan asking me What is... then he went silent.
Now Joey is talking to Qian Lin and Asyqin.
So bored.
Every is like playing facebook on their laptops.
So damm gay. Even though i have facebook, I still find it gay.
Now jeff(hu is beside meis slapping himself.lool.
HAHA! stoopid.
Now Nina is slapping herself! ok.
OUCH!! my hest pain!! nina went to punch it den she look at my blog.
confirm she beat me up later. She soo BLACK!!! AHHH.
She is a Niger!!! lol sorry i am a racist.
I have nothing against black people but nina is not a person.
She is a monster!!!! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH.


Monday, May 18, 2009



Ello. i am grounded i hate it.
Jus becos i came back hoome late yesterday from cycling
den i kena grounded. :( I came bac at 7:00pm
So sad. nothing to do at home. hope if i ask nicely
my mum will let me play with my fren (amirul)
he good frend. he wanna play with my psp,
socer and ps2. Soo pumped.
but must pray my mum will let me go and play with him.
SO ok.. i'm done.


Sunday, May 17, 2009

Sci Exam&end of exam


Today is the end of the exams..!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
YAY!!! Today as te last paper.
SCi exam!!! (best for geeks).
LOL I luv scI!!! (not!).
I hope nxt exam got more questions(which I dont).
dn more fun.
K larh soo bored and nothing 2 say.




I am soo sick ryte now. got fever 38.2
I hate this soo stupid.. i got headache oso. i wish it could just dissapear like that.
Ok larh i have nothingto post i just came here to tell u i am sick.


Friday, May 15, 2009

Maths exam!


It was maths exam today. i had a problem with some questions but i got through it somehow.

So leceh!!i think that paper2 was harder i hate the stupid bowl question...

I got it wrong!!

I put the answer as 3.6 LOLX!!!

I was singing while i was doing the questions.

It made me relief my freaking stress... i think i will get a C or B for my maths.

And i get a C for my english and malay..

I hope i can score well for my Science. OK. Now i will tok bout my days this week.

I was at home studying all alone with my mother going to someplace and my father at work. it was soo borrrringgggg at home and it made it even worsty with my sisters at home. Luckily i got out by my bicycle. my frens and i were like drifting here and there. HEHE. at night i slept early but did work even more.

Nothing much.

I had an exam in school. English exam. it was tough but i managed to do it. when i got home, i found my sister in the rm she was surpose to go to school but she was sick with a fever about 39.2 so in the house i was like staying away from my sis not hopeing to get sick. And i studied over and over, riviseing and stufff.

Did my mothertounge exam it was damm hard. i am hopeing i even pass it. So freaking stressed out during the papaer i didn't even revise my peri-bahasa!!! Got home den did some work.

Did my maths exam it was hard but can do. then when i got home i bathed, got ready to go for friday prayers then i left the house. I got home pretty late and now TADAAAAAAA I am here...

I will wake up, have a cat on my bed happily jumping on my belly. LOLX. Have a tub of hagendazs(dunnoe hw to spell) ice cream for breakfast, skip my tution, play computer until my hands go sore and numb. then i have an afternoon nap. wake up in Marriot hotel, London. pay psp in the hotel room. take a private jet back here. then go for a buffet for dinner.

Thx for reading this,

Wednesday, May 13, 2009


C'mon! Techno is my life..

Wat is yours? techno,



Jumpstyle and Bass. So manny.

So manny!! eh wait i got of my point. ok.
Again talking to you about techno.Its not jut about the sound.
It is about the life of it(Not making sense)...
Ok bbye larh nothing 2 say

Rock on,


I hate this!! must study all day.
lucky I got pda. pda light, portable,
not heavy(light), have msn and have internet!! YAY..
I can go youtube, blogs and stuff without my mum knowing.
Cos i in my rm wen my mother thinks i am studying!!
when she cme in, i hide it under my pillow. so easy!!
So now no prob studying with de help of the PDA.(actually not studying)
So if ur mum ask 2 study get a pda, put internet inside den start playing.
Do wat i do and u will be fine.

MTL exam!!!!

Ahhhh. Mother tounge exam! i hate this! it sux. i think i got lower then 50/90. LOLX!! Eh anyone knows wat is banting tulang??? How to do??? ARHHHHHHH confirm i getting a canning from my father when he see my marks. i hantam bocai my OAS coz i lazy 2 read the questions!!! Anyways, gd luck for your exams and stay STUPID!!

Sarawak:Last year

Hi. this was last year in Sarawak. Actually i have loads more of pics but to lazy to upload. Sry. Anywayz we had lods of fun there and i hope can go there again. I miss my long hair back then andi hope 2 grow it back durin the hols.

i am AYu.

Hi. as u noe my previous post has the name AYu on it. So i am here 2 tell u tat i am de one and only AYu!!!!! LOLX!!
AYu is a name i got out when one of the stupid ppl frem a stoopd clase called me Ah You!!! Kinda scary though she/he was like gonna kill me holding the sizzorsssss in her hand lik siao! Den my fwen(Izmir&Fadhy) step in den we took tat gay down!! . Aft tat day Izmir&Fadhly started calling me AYu. than i started So tat is the true story of AYu.

so long nvr post...

Hi sry vry long nvr post.. I busy with work and stuff becoz of exam :( But its ok exam gonna finish soon. Not fair p1 no exam.. i had exam wen p1 uh. I wanna have Godzilla eat the person who said that p1 no nid exam. URGHHHH!! I hope he burns in hell!! Well thank you for wasting your time again at Ammars world.

Thank You,